Who is Michelle Sullivan?
Michelle Sullivan is a certified practitioner for the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System. She felt called to teach this method when other couples began asking her what method she used for natural family planning. At that time, no one in the Chicago area taught the method. She started teaching the Creighton Model in 2000 to help couples navigate their reproductive and gynecological health by charting their cycles. As a practitioner in the Creighton Model, she has helped hundreds of couples since that time to strengthen their relationships as they learn to communicate and work as couples to monitor and maintain their own procreative and gynecological health. Personally, she has used the system in all aspects in order to achieve all seven of her beautiful children, to avoid when necessary and monitor her health throughout her charting. She is a great advocate of this method and continues to teach couples in the Greater Chicago Area in order for them to benefit from all this system has to offer to all women and married couples.